On the properties of multivariate isotropic Random fields on the Ball

Galatia Cleanthous
Theory of Stochastic Processes
Vol.28 (44), no.1, 2024, pp.1-25
We consider multivariate isotropic random fields on the ball Bd. We first study their regularity properties in terms of Sobolev spaces. We further derive conditions guaranteeing the Hölder continuity of their covariance kernels and we prove the existence of sample Hölder continuous modifications for Gaussian random fields. Furthermore, we measure the error of truncated approximations of the corresponding series' representations. Moreover our developments are supported by numerical experiments. The majority of our results are new for multivariate random fields indexed over other domains, too. We express some of them for the case of the sphere.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3842/tsp-1833768554-46
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