Editorial policy

Peer review policy

All submitted manuscripts are initially considered by one of the members of the Editorial Board. If it is appropriate then the paper is sent for peer review to an independent anonymous expert selected among world recognized researchers in the field.

Publishing ethics

The contribution of every listed author to the submitted work must be significant. All citations must be accompanied by the complete references. Any plagiarism automatically leads to the rejection of the paper. All authors of the paper must declare relevant conflicts of interests.

Instructions for Authors

  1. The submission of a paper implies author's assurance that the paper has not been published, that it has not been submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere, and that the submission for publication has been approved by all coauthors. Two related papers by the same author will not be published in the same issue.
  2. The manuscript should be written in English and prepared in LaTex using document class tsp-short. Here is an example of how your paper should look like.
  3. The first page should contain the title, full name(s) and complete affiliation(s) (name of institution, city, and state) as well as e-mail addresses for all coauthors, an abstract of at most 300 words, keywords and phrases, and 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification.
  4. The list of references should be in alphabetical order and prepared as shown in the example file. It is advisable to use standart methods of AMSLaTeX for typesetting sections, theorems and proofs, as it is shown in the example.
  5. Submit the PDF file of your paper electronically to tsp@imath.kiev.ua or to a member of the Editorial Board.
  6. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. The review will be sent to the corresponding author in approximately 2 months.
  7. Upon the acceptance of the paper, the corresponding author will be requested to send the LaTex and PDF files of the paper to tsp@imath.kiev.ua.
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